e107 menu item

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e107 menu item

Post by Fidel »

Dear David

I have released a menu item for the E107 CMS based on your ivweather.class.php. e107 is located at http://www.e107.org The following is the readme verbatim.

interceptweather_menu.php for e107 CMS
Best viewed with wordwrap on.

Heya fellow e107'ers. In my ongoing quest to make redundant plugins/menu's I've created this little number. lol j/k I had wanted to make a weather menu based on Intercept Vector's XML list for a while but I can't learn by reading dry texts or pointless examples, I learn by reading syntax. That said I was wandering around when I came across a class specifically for the Weather XML list. Hurrah! and Eureka! I learned more by studying the class and the example script and here you have it! Not an amazingly genius menu by any means.. Maybe this is a good example to newbies though. If I can make menu's that are more indepth than text and links... So can you.

CREDIT: Pimp that shizzy where it's due.
Jalist : You are the man! Words can not express what your generosity means to me. http://www.e107.org
Intercept Vector : XML should be used for lots of stuff like this. Werd to Intercept Vector for making an XML weather list available. http://weather.interceptvector.com
David Rolston : Creator of ivweather.class.php. Word to him and word to the "Lazy Web". ivweather.class.php is included but NOT changed.
ALL credit for the class goes to him. Accordingly interceptweather_menu.php is GPL'd under the same license as the class. http://www.gizmola.com

1. Open interceptweather_menu.php change the value of $uvw to reflect your city. Go to http://weather.interceptvector.com to find your city.
2. Place ivweather.class.php under your classes directory.
3. Place the menu under your menus directory.
4. Activate the menu from your Admin panel.

You should be good to go.

1.Not a damn thing. I primarily made this because I wanted it. The way it is now is exactly how I want it. If you actually know php then you can easily make it to your liking. If you are a php newbie maybe this will help you learn. A tip to newbies that might possibly fall on deaf ears. If you don't have one... Get a text editor that has "Go to line" capability. metapad is currently my choice. If php comes across a parse error it's gonna tell you about it. It should tell you roughly where it is. Listen to it. If that isn't clear... well... I don't know what to tell you then..
2. Take back slicksearch. Make the hide/show work cross browser.. etc etc.. I made slicksearch to be shown or hidden. If it's not working cross browser please tell me about it. I made that menu to look clean. I didn't make it to be cross browser compatible and I think I said something to that effect in the readme. Pull down menu's don't blend.. Yes I know I'm ranting. I seriously would not have given a crap had they named it something entirely different. My slicksearch and thier slicksearch are two totally different beasts. I'll quit bitching... yes I know its petty..

We are all held responsible for our own actions. I didn't force you to install this menu and if your site blows up, or people start refering to you as the anti-christ don't blame me.. I don't even know you.

All of that blathering aside I hope you like the menu. If you are a newbie I hope you can glean something from this and possibly learn to make your own plugins/menus.
Have Fun.

[email protected]

If you have any comments, suggestions or "cease and desists" please let me know. If you do not wish to have your class included I will remove it and let people know where to go to get it if this is your wish. Thank you for the class. It definately taught me something.
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Post by Giz »

Thanks for dropping me a line. I really enjoy seeing the code being put to use!
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